Originally Posted by klauts
ok thanks  do you know the name of the specific fungus needed and i cant seem to find the turkish towel method anywhere if someone could point me to it it would be greatly appreciated
Best regards,
There's no specific fungi that will germinate all orchids. Different orchids will germinate with different fungi. While there are fungi like Tulasnella calospora that are symbiotic with a wide range of orchids and punch above their weight in terms of the number of orchid species they can germinate in symbiotic flasks, they don't germinate all species and can vary in how well they'll germinate the species they can germinate. With the exception of B2, which a lot of symbiotic flaskers in Europe seem to use, orchid mycorrhizal inoculates are fairly limited in their availability and tend to have been selected for their ability to germinate terrestrial species rather than epiphytes.
Yes, the Turkish towel method is the one Undergrounder talks about in the Redneck flasking thread. I've only ever heard about it in relation to germinating the local native species and I don't have first hand experience using it: I flask my epiphytes asymbiotically so I haven't bothered to try it. It does assume that the appropriate fungi are in the roots of plants in cultivation but at least there's a better chance of the seeds coming into contact with fungi than trying to guess whether a given fungal inoculate is going to work or not.