I want to get some Bayluscide or equivalent; it is effective in very low concentrations. In Thailand and other SE Asian countries it is sold under a different name for treating for intestinal parasites in humans. In the U.S., if you have an applicators license, you can buy it in large quantities for dumping into lakes.
I didn't pay attention at the time, but I have read molluscicides are sold to and used by tropical fish hobbyists.
__________________ May the bridges I've burned light my way.
FWIW, for years I sprayed my greenhouse monthly with one ounce per gallon (5.25% sodium hypochlorite) chlorine bleach as a general disinfectant/algaecide, and never saw any damage.
Do you think it helped, and why did you stop?
__________________ May the bridges I've burned light my way.
Certainly it helped. I stopped upon discovering Physan, then upgraded from that to Zero-tol (a stabilized hydrogen peroxide product, now called Bio-Safe Disease Control). Now I don't bother, as my use of reduced potassium seems to have quashed the algae issue, as does the regular application of Inocucor Garden Solution, which also is pretty good at preventing rots.