I have a bunch of Oerstedella ( my horses eat more than most people can imagine) Some are really beautiful but rather lanky and difficult to deal with branches of 2 meters are common. I am lloking to cross it and make a smaller plant that has its beauty and robustness. I would love to here some ideas on what to cross these with.
I just ran down about half the species in OrchidWiz, and about the only F1 offspring were done with epidendrums. There was one done with a kirchara, which is an "episophrolaeliocattleya".
Always nice to run into a fellow hydridizer! A few crosses I could recommend are with Potinaras, SLC's, or with straight Sophronitis. The crosses made with the reed-stem Epi's and these genuses produced a few award winning plants, small of stature with flowers of teh Epidendrum form but with much broader segments.
I like the Idea, I would never have considered it. I have lots of cats and laelis, and Brassavolas, no Sophronitis, I can not find them here ( in Costa Rica) I have a bunch of epi, ency, maxilarias. You trade pollen? Lets' talk.