I have posted my Phal voilacea x voilacea var Borneo from Hauserman here - My avatar is Phal voilacea 'Tequila Sunset x Tequila Sunset'
They get a western exposure of shaded to dappled light in the afternoon (around 3-5 hours) - Mine tend to dry quickly so I water every other day especially the 2 equistris (sometimes everyday) as their medium is very fine. Here is my most recent post -
I was fertilizing instead of just watering but I have cut my fertliziing down to once a week. I have the top of the medium covered in sphag moss to keep the roots moist and I keep the air circulating over them with a fan. Other than that, they are healthy and blooming happy
I love voilacea's fragrance
How specific in detail ? Do you want to know candlelight intensity? % of humidity?
I grow mine indoors in front of a window and I am in the northeast so far they have adapted well to my in-house environment.