What is going on?
I have a problem ( really?). I got this orchid in July, in spike. It's now bloomed, formed another spike, and has grown a new leaf. The problem is this. I saw that the bottom leaf was turning yellow, and I thought the plant was getting rid of it. Well, now all of the leaves have yellow on them except 2. The other leaves look healthy. I was thinking the plant naturally had yellow on the leaves, but I'm not sure.
Also, there is this bump, as you can see in the pictures. What is it? At first, I thought it was another spike, but it has stayed this way for several weeks.
So, what is going on? Or does the plant even know?
Something else, this has nothing to do with the orchid. I keep getting log off of this site. It just logs me out. I'll be looking and getting ready to reply on a post, then it just comes up and says I'm logged out. I'm getting really mad because I'm trying to upload the pictures, and the *&^% thing keeps logging me out. Is something I'm doing or what?
The pictures are going to be on another post, so at least we can start brain storming on what is wrong with the plant.