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Old 05-03-2012, 09:09 PM
goodgollymissmolly goodgollymissmolly is offline
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That's what makes the world go round Andrew. You enjoy your proclaimed productivity and I'll enjoy my vastly more reliable hardware, OS X which makes Windows look archaic, and a company that actually takes care of its customers.
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Old 05-04-2012, 03:50 AM
shadytrake shadytrake is offline
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Originally Posted by goodgollymissmolly View Post
That's what makes the world go round Andrew. You enjoy your proclaimed productivity and I'll enjoy my vastly more reliable hardware, OS X which makes Windows look archaic, and a company that actually takes care of its customers.
2nd, 3rd, and 4th this!!!!

I've bought 2 Mac laptops in 10 years. Mac Air to replace my PowerBook G4 that is 11 years old and still runs GREAT except for some burnt pixels. I don't know anyone personally who can say that about a PC laptop or desktop.
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Old 05-04-2012, 06:16 AM
Andrew Andrew is offline
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Orchid Whiz, and Orchid Plus on a mac..

Originally Posted by goodgollymissmolly View Post
That's what makes the world go round Andrew. You enjoy your proclaimed productivity and I'll enjoy my vastly more reliable hardware, OS X which makes Windows look archaic, and a company that actually takes care of its customers.
My previous comments as well as this one were, of course, typed on my Macbook. As for my previous comments about speed, I have run Windows 7 on my Macbook with VM Fusion. I don't think it's up to the task. It is a tough ask expecting a machine to run such a memory hungry OS as 7 as well as its own. As the OP mentioned in another thread that he wanted to run OW on a Macbook, I think bootcamp is a better option if he needs Windows 7 but if he wants a useable VM I'd stick to XP.
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Old 05-04-2012, 10:48 AM
got ants got ants is offline
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Orchid Whiz, and Orchid Plus on a mac.. Male

So it seems to me that OW is not what I thought it was, and the way to go is with the AOS programs AQ plus/Orchid Plus. I just don't fully understand what that latter is, by reading older posts here...

So I buy the AOS, and it comes in two formats... discs that run on a MS platform, and access to online data via any platform. That latter is slow and buggy, but may be resolved within the year?

The online version doesn't have all the data, some of it "older"? Which one is up to date as of 2011?

If I can get by with incomplete data, and this is where I'm confused.. is that data that is missing after 2011, or some of it in the older data?

Additionally, what about the hybrid data.. what has been named and stuff With just the online version, can I see what has been already made/named? Again, up until 2011, or is some of the older data missing as well.

It seems more and more that I should just get the AOS platform and wait for the bugs to get fixed, but I'd like to know what I'm missing if I chose the online version only for now...
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Old 05-04-2012, 11:36 AM
goodgollymissmolly goodgollymissmolly is offline
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Sorry I assumed that you knew than you do. The AOS programs (both) are the awards descriptions and photographs from AOS judging. Both versions are the same but we're in the transition right now from a binary Windows only program to an online HTML program. The older Windows version is not going to be updated so newer awards are NOT included. The online program has the new stuff, but is not totally reliable for the older awards data. That probably only concerns judges. You should be fine with the online version. I just told you that it has some idiosyncrasies so you would know that. They are being addressed.

Hybrid grex data (hybrid content and names) comes from the Orchid Registrar at RHS. The OrchidsPlus program contains some of this data, but the real source is the RHS website. The KEW website is the source for the World Monocot Checklist which tracks the current and historical names of species orchids.
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Old 05-04-2012, 12:06 PM
shadytrake shadytrake is offline
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As an additional note, I have yet to enter an orchid name that isn't in the online AOS program and the photos are pretty good. I especially like the family tree information provided. That is really neat and shows the clonal names of parentage whenever provided by the grower. And they have a photo family tree too (most of the time).
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Old 05-04-2012, 12:43 PM
Jayfar Jayfar is offline
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Is AQplus_Online what were's talking about and is it only available as an add-on to members?

I am a member and I don't find AQplus_Online listed in the online store or anywhere else on the aos.org site. However if I go to my account, choose the 'edit profile' tab and then click 'manage add-ons', I am then able to choose AQplus_Online or AQplus_Offline, 'add this feature' and then add to cart by clicking Purchase add-ons. There is also an "Orchids Plus" menu item at the top right of the main AOS page, but that link, after some delay, just redirects to the same main AOS page. A bit puzzling.
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Old 05-04-2012, 01:12 PM
goodgollymissmolly goodgollymissmolly is offline
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OrchidsPlus is the name of the online program. It is identical (theoretically) to AQPlus the program that has been on DVD for the last 5 or 6 years.

There is nothing named AQPlus Online.

The part that is apparently confusing is that right now AOS is in process of switching from the older AQPlus to the newer OrchidsPlus. During this transition period, both exist and both are available to subscribers for the $50/year fee....not $50 each.....just one $50 for both.
Soon (not soon enough for me) the AQPlus program will go away and only OrchidsPlus will continue.

I apologize..I made a mistake by giving out too much information and confusing some people. OrchidsPlus works and usually will tell you all you want to know. It is missing some older data but that should only be a concern to judges. The DVD AQPlus is missing very recent data because it is no longer being loaded into that program. I hope I cleared that up.

Jayfar...if the store page acts as you say, I can see why you are confused. If you are a member and you pay for AQPlus you will have total access to all. I do not know if you can buy the programs as a non-member since I never needed to know about that. I suggest you call the new phone number on the web page and tell them what you want to be sure it happens to suit you. I sure see why you're confused. The store is in transition too and sometimes I just shake my head about some of the stuff that finds its way in there.
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Old 05-04-2012, 01:28 PM
Jayfar Jayfar is offline
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Originally Posted by goodgollymissmolly View Post
OrchidsPlus is the name of the online program. It is identical (theoretically) to AQPlus the program that has been on DVD for the last 5 or 6 years.

There is nothing named AQPlus Online.

The part that is apparently confusing is that right now AOS is in process of switching from the older AQPlus to the newer OrchidsPlus. During this transition period, both exist and both are available to subscribers for the $50/year fee....not $50 each.....just one $50 for both.
Soon (not soon enough for me) the AQPlus program will go away and only OrchidsPlus will continue.

I apologize..I made a mistake by giving out too much information and confusing some people. OrchidsPlus works and usually will tell you all you want to know. It is missing some older data but that should only be a concern to judges. The DVD AQPlus is missing very recent data because it is no longer being loaded into that program. I hope I cleared that up.

Jayfar...if the store page acts as you say, I can see why you are confused. If you are a member and you pay for AQPlus you will have total access to all. I do not know if you can buy the programs as a non-member since I never needed to know about that. I suggest you call the new phone number on the web page and tell them what you want to be sure it happens to suit you. I sure see why you're confused. The store is in transition too and sometimes I just shake my head about some of the stuff that finds its way in there.
Here's from the site, where I am logged on as a member, so someone at AOS is calling it AQplus_Online. If I click the purchase link, I find the price is 58.50. I'm thinking about buying it.

Manage Add-Ons

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Old 05-04-2012, 01:30 PM
got ants got ants is offline
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Two issues with the AOS website...

First, It has no way to change my password. Since the one that was given to is hard to remember, I want to change it to something easy for me. The problem is I am supposed to go to Edit Profile, and for the life of me, I cannot find that section.

Secondly, there is a link on the top menu to Orchid Plus, but it only takes you to the homepage of AOS. It is not even listed in the Shopping Cart, which is silly, as that should be the first place it should be, along with magazines and calenders.

If anyone can post directions to Edit Profile, I would forever be in gratitude to you.

Same with a place to purchase this, um, Orchid Plus...
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