Fingers crossed! If you followed the instructions on the packet, then I'm sure you didn't overdo it on the fertiliser.
Hopefully the plant will ultimately survive, but it may go through some rough times first. Make sure it doesn't now get blasted by any direct sunlight again (bright windowsill with no direct sun would suit it well).
Make sure you don't let water sit in the top(crown) of the leaves! that will kill it just as quick as that hot car ride. Just keep trying. You'll get the knack of it!!Ginnibug
Oh dear Your car must have gotten absolutely baking hot
Don't let that discourage you from getting another one! When not subject to the ravages of >50 degree heat in a parked car, they're pretty tough and very rewarding!
Why just this morning I noticed what *might* be a spike (but it probably a root) about to emerge off a mini phal which just finished flowering last week after putting on a bounteous show since August.
Hold the phone! the plant is only dead if those leaves start doing bad things like turning brown and falling off or worse turning black and watery and rotting. You can get the crown and the whole lot of the plant wet, you just can't let it sit with water in the crown for any period of time. You can give it a shower in the sink, just have to dry it off or tip it onto it's side so the water runs out from between the leaves. Sorry don't panic. ginnibug