Like Ray, I have seen this, too. Theories include variations in moisture and temperature, but it seems to happen to plants kind of randomly when many others are not affected.
I also agree that succeeding foliage will probably be quite normal. The plant doesn't look large enough to top off, though.
Hopefully the flowers will more thand make up for it.
Regards - Nancy
We've had this Ascda. Fuchs Flame since 1992 when it was a single fan in a four inch basket.
Over the years, the plant keikied many times with some keikis having 'normal' leaf pairs, some with 'oddly' arranged leaf pairs. We've been assured this isn't anything to worry about.
BTW, the clone 'Crownfox' AM 82 / CCM 87 which bore 642 flowers on 38 inflorescences had similar leaves, which could simply be 'natural' on a mature plant.