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02-10-2012, 01:16 PM
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Is your Solo product coming out as a liquid or as soluble granules? I know that liquid Seaweed extracts can be mixed with fertilizers in direct application, but are they able to be stored with them in concentrated form?
02-10-2012, 02:40 PM
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Originally Posted by Cym Ladye
Is your Solo product coming out as a liquid or as soluble granules? I know that liquid Seaweed extracts can be mixed with fertilizers in direct application, but are they able to be stored with them in concentrated form?
Looks like liquid on Ray's website, listed as a quart bottle, shake well before using.
02-28-2012, 05:52 PM
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Just a reminder that tomorrow is the last day to get the "OB" coupon code discount on SOLO.
02-28-2012, 06:10 PM
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I can't recall off the top of my head what kelp species are harvested along South Africa's coastline, but I'm pretty sure it's a Laminaria of some sort and very unlikely to be Ascophyllum nodosum; I'm not sure that even occurs down here, but my marine books are at work.
02-28-2012, 06:24 PM
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Thanks for your research, Ray !
Ever since I discovered seaweed mix from that other forum I was formerly connected with: Its been two years that I have been using seaweed mix (from Mexico) alternating it with worm tea mix and Algoflash orchid fertilizer...I also discovered leaves growing sturdier and robust...and my flowers are bigger and brighter colors...
but I sometimes get one flower that is out of whack and deformed...and I blame the I am not doing any 'mones anymore
02-28-2012, 06:28 PM
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I did some quick googling, and Kelpak's ingredient seems to be Ecklonia maxima. OUR STORY
02-29-2012, 02:25 PM
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Originally Posted by Discus
I did some quick googling, and Kelpak's ingredient seems to be Ecklonia maxima. OUR STORY
Thanks for the quick reference. I have not used seaweed products but the biggest problem occurring from people I know who have, is the fact the sediment clogs the drawing mechanism pulling the proportionally measured concentrate to the water hose, ie Hozon/Hyponex applicators. Granted this method of applying fertilizer/seaweed may not be the best, but for most hobbyists with large collections and low budgets, it is the best answer. (They use their fertilizer of choice mixed with a seaweed concentrate.)
Given this scenario, perhaps someone can answer "How much potency is lost if, after thoroughly mixing the concentrate solution, the larger particle sediment settles in the bottom of the concentrate mix and is not drawn up during application?"
02-29-2012, 02:34 PM
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Another question I have: I've looked at some bottles of seaweed extract at home here and the instructions say it is best used as a foliar spray. However with my orchids I am a bit reluctant to do that.
Ray, I did order a bottle yesterday. With MSU I assume it is meant to be used in the media??
Does anyone use the other ones in the media rather than foliar??
02-29-2012, 06:33 PM
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Originally Posted by Cym Ladye
the sediment clogs the drawing mechanism
Does it help to dilute the concentrate before putting it in the proportioner - i.e. is it the viscosity or the texture that is problematic? It sounds like the texture, in which case the only option will be to somehow alter the texture, perhaps by fitration or further maceration of some sort.
You could probably also rig up a magnetic stirrer arrangement in your proportioner that would help keep things mixed/suspended.
03-01-2012, 12:41 PM
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Originally Posted by Discus
Does it help to dilute the concentrate before putting it in the proportioner - i.e. is it the viscosity or the texture that is problematic? It sounds like the texture, in which case the only option will be to somehow alter the texture, perhaps by fitration or further maceration of some sort.
You could probably also rig up a magnetic stirrer arrangement in your proportioner that would help keep things mixed/suspended.
The standard procedure for the Hozon system is to measure into a large container the recommended rate for application per gallon at a rate of 16-1 application rate at the end of the hose. An example would be roughly 1/2 cup to 6 gallons of water for a concentrate. The problem appears to be the heavy texture of the seaweed product as purchased and which continues to be a problem with large particles even when diluted. I am not sure a stirrer would help as I understand the large particles do not fully dissolve but straining it may be an answer. The questions are how much of the product would be lost by screening out these particles and how much would it diminish the strength of the product?
I am not familiar with the different brands of seaweed products so it may be that some have a lighter texture than others so finding one with smaller undissolved particles may be the answer.
In comment to the foliar feed: the problem encountered with those I know who have used it as a drench would certainly continue to occur in the diluted mix and would seem to me to clog a spray applicator immediately.
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