I know your first thought is why are you running a de-humidifier while trying to grow orchids. Well my wife thinks that it's unacceptable that her sweaters mold.
So with that being said, my thought is that the drain water would be similar to distilled water. Do you think this is accurate? I don't have a tester to test the dissolved solids so best guess is acceptable to me.
Might have some dissolved metals from the condensing coil (I think they are usually copper), but not a lot. It is effectively distilled (by definition, it is distilled...). I wouldn't drink it, you might have interesting microbes living in the collection tank, but it is safe to water plants with in my opinion.
When I ran such a device, I would routinely add the condensate to my larger tank that held RO water. Seemed silly to waste it.
I would guess the same as Rob. It could have picked up something from the condensing coil, it could have microbes like those in any standing water container, but otherwise it's like distilled water and I would use it on my plants (but not drink it).