Ahh! I froze my orchid!
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Old 12-30-2011, 01:46 AM
Orchidreamer Orchidreamer is offline
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Ahh! I froze my orchid! Female
Default Ahh! I froze my orchid!

I have a large Rhynchostylis gigantea that surprisingly nearly doubled in size over the past year, despite the specie's reputation as a slow grower. After summer, I moved it inside and it hung by the window.

Two days ago I inspected the leaves and they were all covered with transparent and watery brown patches. The poor plant looks terrible! I had to cut off the newest leaf because it looked like green mush. I quickly moved it to the warmest room in the house. Over the past 2 days, some of the damaged areas became pitted, while others seem to be getting more and more "watery." Even worse, today I discovered some new light brown patches that weren't there two days ago.

Lesson learned: never put orchids by a cold window. Especially a warm-growing one. I should've known better.

What are your experiences with cold-damaged orchids? I'm really worried it's going to lose its leaves...this is the 1st time I've had a cold-damaged orchid.
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Old 12-30-2011, 02:35 AM
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I have a large baywindow and I know that it can be freezing near the glass...so I put the plants a foot away from the glass and under the table where the plants are positioned: is a heater and on both sides a small oscillating electric fan and a 2 gallon humidifier...Manhattan can freeze below zero in winter...I have bright southern sun in winters but I make sure it is 80F in that area in the day and 65F at night...
I am also glad that landlords are mandated by law to provide ample heat for tenants in winters...
I have two spiking Rhynchostylis gigantea one spotted and one white...you are right its slow to grow its hard stiff leaves...I hope your plant will survive and grow leaves again...revive it with tepid water from the sink...maybe it will be fooled to think its summer and grow big roots and produce leaves again
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Old 12-30-2011, 02:55 AM
silken silken is offline
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So sorry to hear about your chilled plant. I would think so long as the roots and main stem of the plant weren't frozen that it may survive. As long as it has a few leaves left to photosynthesize. Good luck.
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Old 12-30-2011, 09:50 AM
Daethen Daethen is offline
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Ahh! I froze my orchid! Female

Sounds like you may have a secondary infection or rot going on. I am no expert on how to handle this but you may want to search for some threads on those topics.
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Old 12-30-2011, 10:12 AM
orchidsamore orchidsamore is offline
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Ahh! I froze my orchid! Male

I believe you have a rot issue and not freezing.

I have hundreds of Rhyncostylis gigantae that I grow outside and they go to 40 degrees every day for the next three months and have gone to low 30s over the past several year.

mushy leaves are a sign of over watering. This has been real problem this year made worst by lower temperatures. When temperatures drop plants do not lose water as fast and need a lot less.

There is not much to do with mushy leaves. The plant will continue to grow if not too damaged and live. The damage often does not spread and dries out quick.
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Old 12-30-2011, 11:26 AM
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Ahh! I froze my orchid!

Keep the orchid dry as well as warm until it recovers. This is a type of rot and should be treated to stop the continuing spread. Cooler conditions combined with water/humidity can cause these sorts of problems, I learned from research done recently while battling black rot with many of my cattleyas. I seem to have stopped my rotting outbreak with alcohol but it is probably best to get something better. Good luck,
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Old 12-31-2011, 06:03 PM
Orchidreamer Orchidreamer is offline
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Ahh! I froze my orchid! Female

Oh no, you guys are right-- it is soft rot, which is spreading! I tried cutting off some parts but the rot has affected the leaves like patchwork, so it's very difficult for me to completely remove the affected areas without cutting numerous holes in the leaves. The strange thing is that the damage that I noticed on the first day has mostly "healed", i.e., become pitted and dry and not spreading. However, the new brown patches that I noticed two days later have spread a lot. If I squeeze the patches gently, the surface of the leaf exudes water. Yuck...reminds me of what happened to my phal in the past (it wasn't chilled though).

How sad...this was one of my healthiest orchids...I guess the chill made it susceptible to rot? I haven't been keeping it too wet. I water it once a week and the humidity is 50%, and it is in a basket with lava rock.
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Old 12-31-2011, 06:46 PM
silken silken is offline
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Have you seen this post? http://www.orchidboard.com/community...tml#post460436
It's a Phal but I wonder if it's what your plant has. BikerDoc5968's comment on pg 3 is interesting and may help!
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Old 01-13-2012, 09:14 PM
Leisurely Leisurely is offline
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Your plant is setting the stage for fungus. You need to quickly get some fungicide on the plant.
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Old 01-14-2012, 09:33 AM
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Ahh! I froze my orchid!

I hate these stupid, speading things. Make certain the afflicted orchid isn't near the others, then determine if it is bacterial or fungual and treat accordingly. There are some nice diagnostic sites (clouds, staugorchidsociety) that I've found helpful for figuring out the various ailments of my cattleyas. Good luck!
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