Well I'm advanced but I don't know so much about that applying to my growing skillls

,maybe it's just that my kids are killing my brain cells!
Didn't get a chance to repot the walkeriana yesterday but I did repot the three Neos in moss (Japanese style) and I redid my three Zygos. One of those went into S/H because I think it needed it. The other two ended up in Promix, but in a S/H type of pot with peanuts in the bottom.And just my opinion

I could be wrong. But I think that Zygos and Paphs are a lot alike in the respect to roots. Paphs are more pron to rot if the root system get too dry; I feel that might be the case for Zygos as well. Tell me what you think. I believe it's a terrestrial thing.ginnibug