Originally Posted by violetta
I see that your keikis grew many roots even when they were tiny.
What would you do if you had huge keikis attached to the mother plant, with not even one root?? Those keikis have started to grow new canes from their bottom and have forgotten that they should also produce some roots 
Yes, for this particular plant, once a keiki reach half an inch or so, it starts to push out roots as well, thus sucking in water and grow quite fast!
The ones that started last fall is now making flowers of their own!
Regarding rootless keikis, I have no idea as I have never seen keikis with no roots, but if there are no roots, you should probably leave them as they are.
I've had only two dendrobiums that grew keikis on their own (not like this sort of forced way), and those keikis while still attached on to the mother plant grew lots of roots, so your plant is a unique case I would think.