So, by mid November, all the flowers were gone. I had it hung on my window blind for a few more weeks. only
misting every morning as I had been doing. (although I was wondering if it would have absorbed any since there were no living roots at all) I did any way.
Then the first week of this month, I took it off the blind, cut off all the dead and dry roots, cleaned it wth water, choped up into four big and not so big pieces, and put them in a clear plastic case.
I even ordered some high quality sphagnum moss to use as bedding material for these chopped up canes.
Then I totally forgot about it until today as I was reorganizing kitchen cabinet (dark and warm but dry).
I took the plastic box out and took a close look at the canes.
Lo and behold! There was one tiny new growth emerging and two more coming on the same cane.
The other parts have small swelling on a few of the nodes. This is quite something! I guess I will name this plant, Tough Pink.
I'm not sure if I should move it to a moist sphagnum moss setting or leave them as they are. I'm afraid of fungal attack on delicate little growths.
Does anyone know if placing these in a physan 20 dilution will harm the little growth?
Maybe I should have done it before the little growths appeared. hmmm not sure how to proceed now.
By the way, the two keikis are still alive, but not doing aynthing. I believe they will stay like that until the spring when the weather gets warmer.

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