culture of vanda/paphilionanthe teres
hello everyone,
I recently bought a vanda teres. The plant is about 30 cm high, not included the height of the pot. It;s growing in a 8 cm pot, filled with fir/fine chopped bark and a few stones, for stability.
If the soil has dried out, i rinse the soil with lots of water, and i make sure the excess water is removed, so the pot does not stand in water.
But I do not think this is the best way to grow this species.
The roots which grow in the pot with soil, are staying wet for a few days, and the areal roots do not get any water at all.
I already removed it from it's pot, because the soil was still wet after watering a few days ago.
I grow the plant indoors, because in my opinion a lower humidity is not a problem for this species, since it grows on bare rocks in nature. It get's lots of lights, because it needs large amount of light.
Can someone tell me what os the best way to grow this plant (in a basket, vase, mounted, nothing at all), and the best way to care for it? (in the netherlands)