I dont bite i just nip at yer heels
I can break these down into the elements if you like. I cant grow draculas in them bec the dracs I have are pendulous as most are.
hydroton/aliflor/ etc. fills the bottom about 2 inches..you want to keep the roots out of any water that collects in them. I'm starting to use granite chips bec they are cheap and I dont have to seek and search all over town for a bag.
The moss is pre soaked in hydrated lime to keep algae down and to keep the ph acceptable. I like the brand Angel Moss..its new zealand moss grown in the USA.
The plants are in net baskets.
Hard part is finding net baskets that fit the bowls. They should fit tight and seal around the rim as much as possible. You don't have to do this but when you want to clean the container as you will need to do on occasion its easier taking out a net basket than uprooting the happy plant. I have some in clay pots but they dont really look very good and dont fit.
This is the only way I can grow masdys. It was a result of my failures that created the fish bowl orchids
They get watered and fertilized like the rest. They just have their own little micro-climates in the jars/bowls. I must say bowls work better than the fancy squares. I dont know exactly why but I think its the smaller opening in the top that keeps the micro climate micro. The wide open square glass containers just dont hold the micro climate.
Its a nice decorative touch to the plants. I grow mostly indoors and just like to look at them a lot. The bowls break very easy if you knock em around. I cant find anymore like the ones I have and I dont know what to do..
Im really not a bad squirrel just mischeivous at times.