Obligate Cool/Cold Growing Orchids
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Old 01-23-2012, 11:45 PM
mremensnyder mremensnyder is offline
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Obligate Cool/Cold Growing Orchids
Default Updates and...a bloom!

Hello All,

I had continued the fridge method until I went out of town for 2+ weeks in October 2011. To have my telipogon taken care of in my absence, I brought it to my parents', put it in a sunny window, hanging on the edge of a tupperware tub with water in the bottom. They do not use much AC, so temps were likely 77-82F by day and 70-72F at night. Upon my return they actually looked healthier and like they had grown. I believe this was mainly due to much higher levels and better light (sunlight). When I returned, I placed my orchid back in the fridge until late Nov. when I knew outside temps would remain below 85F or so. I have since had my Teli. on a screened porch that gets morning sunlight, and it has been fine, temp range 33F-84F.

Beginning when it spent a couple weeks at my parent's house in October, it has continued to push a bloom spike. Today, I came outside to see a single bloom, how exciting! I never thought I could pull off blooming a Telipogon in my climate and with my limited skill at controlling it. I will definitely be ordering other species when my budget permits.

Goods14, I would be very interested to hear the details of your setup and am encouraged to read that others are trying similar methods to keep cool/cold growing Pleurothallids. Also, I ordered this species (T. antioquianus) from Colombian Orchid Imports last year, he likely still has it available. Another nursery which will do mail order and that has several Telipogons available is Peruflora. If you email them at contact@peruflora.net, they can send you a current list.

Orchids3, I am sorry to hear about your friend, I am sure I would have enjoyed talking Pleurothallids with him! I agree, given the will and the $$$, you can grow anything anywhere; tender tropicals in a humid, warm greenhouse up north, temperate bonsai trees wintered in a walk-in fridge in the tropics, cold growing pleuros in a modified fridge, etc.

and, King of orchid growing, please share about your setup and which species you are growing. It sounds like your experience with T. antioquianus is identical to mine thus far.

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Old 01-24-2012, 01:09 AM
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They're not doing exceptionally well. They are slowly dwindling away, and not because of the temperature.

I'm having a difficult time getting these properly hydrated.

I'm currently growing these in clay pots outdoors because it is currently cold here. I will not be able to get away with this come late spring through summer.

I tried growing these mounted, and it didn't work out very well. The roots started drying out.

The ones in the pots started having their roots dry out too. I had to water them fairly frequently and may have rotted the roots out because of it. Once I figure out how to water them properly here in this climate, I think I might be able to successfully grow this species in the long run. It may not take too many tries to grow this species correctly.

I will have to get myself a fridge for my cooler growing orchids for the summer.
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Old 01-24-2012, 11:59 AM
keithrs keithrs is offline
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One of the best setups I've seen was from a member of my OS. Its a small beverage fridge with 1 round T5 light on top and 2 2' T-5 lights in the back corners on a timer. All lighting was being defused by white plexi glass. He used a small desk fan but I think two 80mm CPU funs would be just fine and use less room. It was set to run at 70 day and 50 night with a C.A.P. day/night timer. Used a misting pump for watering and a tray of water with air stones for humidity. Also the side where white. Not sure if they where painted or if he had a film in there.

I must say wish I had thought of this before I started to build my cool terrarium.... far more complicated then it needed to be but will be wonderful when done.
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Old 01-24-2012, 10:55 PM
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Mremensnyder, I want to also add that I support your observations that in a temperature range of 34 F to 85 F, they appear to grow quite fine. Growth is not terribly rapid, but it is noticeable even amongst my declining group of Telipogon antioquianus.

I will also say that I think many of the divisions I own are quite readily salvageable. One of them I believe is pushing out new roots. Hopefully, I can pull them through my mistakes.

Last edited by King_of_orchid_growing:); 01-24-2012 at 11:06 PM..
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Old 01-30-2012, 12:36 PM
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I have taken the Telipogon antioquianus divisions out of their pots and have been growing them mounted on a larger mount that stays wet for a longer period of time than the mount I had a few of them on previously, in slightly brighter lighting for the past week.

Seems like they are making a speedy recovery. There are no more signs of decline. In fact, I see signs of them growing new roots.

Here's hoping they make a full recovery.

Last edited by King_of_orchid_growing:); 01-30-2012 at 12:41 PM..
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Old 02-01-2012, 01:59 PM
Goods14 Goods14 is offline
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That's good news Philip! Get these guys blooming
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