New Phal spike buried itself in the leaf base, why's that?
I have a Phal which is truely leaving me perplexed. 2 years in a row now, when the plant starts a spike it nearly immediately does a U-turn to go bury itself deep at the base of the leaf.I managed to free one last year, but it immediately made another sharp turn to go bury itself again. Eventually the spike aborted and the plant started a new one...which did the same. And again this year. There's no way to stake it or otherwise keep it straight, it does the u-turn at the tiny little nubbin stage.
Anyone have an explanation for this strange behavior?? Or how to avoid it? It grows with my other Phals which all make beautiful straight spikes, and I have a matured keiki off this Phal which grows spikes that are perfectly normal. I'd hate to toss this plant for being a loser, it was my very first orchid and it bloomed wonderfully for me before this.
Completely orchid obsessed and loving every minute of it....
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