To answer the question about how to find out if the orchid is rare.
Research and shop. That's it, there's no other way.
After a while you will be able to tell the difference between overall rare, rare in the trade, and rare in the wild.
You'll also start to pick out why they're rare...
1. Rare because of level of difficulty in cultivation.
2. Rare because of low level of production, whether intentional or not.
3. Rare because of lack of sufficient commercial interest.
4. Rare because of low importation numbers.
5. Rare because of limited supply.
6. Rare because of being endangered or threatened.
7. Rare because the plant is a relatively newly discovered and/or described species.
8. Rare because of all of the above.
9. Rare because CITES has limited or has currently banned the trading of a particular species, even if in the past the plant was allowed to be traded.
You get my point.
Last edited by King_of_orchid_growing:); 07-08-2011 at 02:32 PM..