I've burned plants before, too.
The ones that burn the most readily are the shade lovers, though pretty much every plant will burn if you move it to a bright spot suddenly.
It's true that orchids like being outside. The air circulation, humidity, and light are good for them. However, like the other members have said, it is best to acclimatize plants to the outdoors before you leave them out. When mine have been indoors for extended periods of time, I take about a week to acclimatize them. I begin by putting them out late in the afternoon, when the temperatures are cooler and the light levels are low. I put them out an hour earlier each successive day. Eventually, I reach the point where I leave them out overnight. That way, the foliage doesn't burn. It's also a good idea to put the plants in a spot that is bright but not in direct sun.
Your plants may be burned now, but I'm sure they'll make it. Once they put out some more new growths, they'll be good as new.
BTW, welcome to our community.