vanda spikes that I have seen come from up in the middle of the cane between the leaves..I think you got more root but you got lots of rooots I know and you wanted a spike. Youre getting there I have 1 vanda left and all it does are roots and that in itself make me happy
It's hard to tell at this stage of development. It could be a spike but they generally don't appear below the base of the leaves, although they can. My guess would be a root or a keiki.
You most water vandas everyday, mines they were not doing well, and I started water every day with peter 20-20 and now I got flowers, also they needs sun. That it's a root
That's keiki. Spike usually sent out below 7th or 6th leaf (first leaf should be the newest one) but not always. This is based on my observation to my several vandas.
Vandas put out roots above the base of the plant, which will take water from the air. They produce quite a few of these roots. Be sure to keep these roots misted.
The flower spikes will come at the centre of the plant, between the leaves. If you give the plant lots of light, feeding and water, the spike should eventually come. What kind of vanda is it?