I guess my question is for the fairly advanced/experienced orchid lover.
I have inherited about 60 orchids from my father-in-law and found out that all 60ish orchid have root rot and/or crown rot from watering them in the same bucket and from the potting soils used. I have tossed about 15 or so because there too far gone. One cattleya hybrid is about 30 years old and would really like to save it(memories of his father attached). I have soaked it/them in Physan 20 for 10 mins and have Phyton 27 on the way.
My Question is on biological fungicides, Companion and Rootshield. I'm wanting to use these in stead of Physan 20 because of the whole natural thing.
Which one has worked the best for you and how do you use it?
I know that they are more of a protection barrier against fungi in stead of a treatment so to speak. Good fungi to kill bad fungi.
If there are other biological fungicides out there at are better, let me know.