Well i personally like the standard straight up cascade deal! i like classic. i understand the wanting the flowers to face different directions that would be awesome!
I have a standard Phal names Phalaenopsis Sogo Yukidian 'Odoms Snowfall' So it makes 16-20 flowers! So i get a long galvenized or bamboo stake and tie the stem every 4 to 8 inches to get it super straight until it reaches the top of the stake and then let it do its thing! it doesnt cascade until a bunch of flowers open the weight is what causes the waterfall effect. And this is the effect i got!
The Whole View Spike And All
This photos were from winter 2009. My prized(tho not prize winning) Catt and the Phal. Both are currently growing a spike and the Catt has 5 sheaths this time