I have a friend that swears on physan 20 he says he adds a cap full to his 30gal tank and adds msu . and waters with that everyday his plants look fine . Has anyone else out there used physan. Other then to clean with.
Yup, I use it. But I mix it at the recommended strength and only use it once every month or two. It's good at keeping things generally clean and warding off crown rot. I know that it's also used for keeping algae from growing in big stock tanks, but at one capful in 30 gallons that's probably all it's doing.
Following the example of another grower, I have started to add a small amount to my RO tank. He claims that his incidence of botrytis and other fungal infections has plummeted since doing that,
Following the example of another grower, I have started to add a small amount to my RO tank. He claims that his incidence of botrytis and other fungal infections has plummeted since doing that,
Ray,it is a good idea,only does anyone knows how much to use it with injector fertilizer?