putting it all in the proper places here my Superthrive bottle says add 1/4 teaspoon for every gallon or 1 drop per small cupful. and that should have read 1/4
TAP 150 211 147 8
Full OP+ 1250 1600 1150 6.2
1/4 OP 700 890 630 6.4
PaphMx 1050 750 525 6.0
RW 230 330 235 6.6
The Orchid + Mix's TDS and EC is almost exactly what AnTec labs rated it.
I could leave out the magnesium/calcium in the Tap water used with the Orchid +,
The RW could use it and the same for the Pelletized lime I can use that as a top dressing like its been said before for my calcilous paphs...
The lime juice is not necessary as a PH buffer bec all the PH seems pretty much in line with availability of nutrients when added with Orchid+ and the RW is already low PH..
My monthly PAPHMX is good stuff
well within all limits..
(and I find it impossible to post HTML Excel Tables. I have the code but it wont come out as a cool little table. Comes complete with the tags showing.)