For those folks that grow phals and use Orchiata as the basis for the growing medium, what other components do you use in your mix? Does anyone use straight Orchiata for their medium?
I need a medium that is more water retentive than straight fir bark, sponge rock and chunky peat.
Thanks for the reply Bill. I understand that Orchiata is a type of bark. I believe that it is from New Zealand. I have also heard that it retains moisture much better than ordinary fir bark. This is the reason that I want to transfer my phals into Orchiata.
My question is what other components do folks mix with the Orchiata to round out the medium. Sponge rock, turkey grit, chunky peat moss, etc.?
A grower that lives near me has begun using 100%Orchiata for smaller plants. Once they get in bigger pots you can mix in some charcoal, or pearlite, or both.
Plants that I've gotten from BLO have been potted in Orchiata, pearlite, charcoal, and a small amount of sphagnum moss.
If you go to, click on 'potting media' and the click on 'monterey pine bark', scroll down and you'll see a link to an article called 'Growing the Best Phalaenopsis'. Click on that link and it will take you to an article where they discuss Orchiata which they call Monterey Pine Bark.
I've changed to using hydroton in s/h and my phals (and other orchids) love it. Search "first ray s/h" for more info. Good luck with whatever medium u chose .