Rooting Hormone and lanolin?
Browsing some old copies of "Orchid", I came across a brief mention of using rooting Hormone and lanolin on recently cut off back bulbs to get them to root and start a new plant. It referenced an ever older copy (Feb 2000) as having more info on this. I checked the older copy, and -of course,- no info. Checked the next month after the reference and there was no correction mentioned (Q&A column)
I'm assuming the hormone is mixed with the lanolin as lanolin is difficult to wash off. Has anyone here heard / tried this? if so, what proportion of hormone to lanolin?
I recently trimmed and repotted a bunch of 1970's-ish catts for someone, and kept a few of the back bulbs for myself. (YES, I WILL work for orchid scraps!)
Then I read that teaser, and was hoping someone here might be aware of it.
Thanks in advance,