You are well entitled to your opinion and you state some very valid points. Many I was not aware of, some that I have questions about but I see nothing wrong with "me too", "good job" or "thanks for sharing". I believe that is called agreement, support, courtesy and graciousness. 'Hi ya' is a form of personal acknowledgement. I do not agree that is cyberpollution. Cyberpollution, to me is spammers, phishers, scammers, predators and the like.
I think and feel people are here to share, in an excited and positive manner, their experiences that may or may not be successful, in the exchange of material for the benefit of everyone and in the gushing (is that what you meant by drooling and slobbering?) over their long awaited botanical blooms. (Which they so rightly deserve to do.)
I don't see what brown-nosing

has to do with anything here as it is by definition - "praise somewhat dishonestly with the intention of getting something" according to thefreedictionary.com.
What is wrong with this forum serving as a social network? Isn't that what it is? Anyone can read books and surf the internet for information online. Does the forum have to be so cut and dry, so bland and boring in serving us as a place only for information? This is an exchange between people with personality, life, humor and passion about something they love that can be read in their posts. That is something I look forward to and welcome.
Rhonda - Responsibility Assumption is quite a concept