Hey, I'm new here to the boards, and still learning about orchid care, but I do know a thing or two about spiders.
By the way, here is your old thread (since you said you lost it):
Questions, Spiders & Mixing
looks like a lot of good stuff written in there.
Were you ever able to identify if the webs were made by mites or spiders? What do the webs look like? (different spider species make different types of webs) and like what was said in your previous thread, spiders are not insects. They eat insects...a natural insecticide. And spiders, especially those that make webs out in the open are generally not dangerous to humans. The spiders that are most dangerous, are the ones you don't see. They generally like dark, secluded, undisturbed areas...such as under things that are rarely moved.
Animals, above all else respond to habitat conditions...that is if you have the right habitat, you have the animal that goes along with it. For example: I know some people who have a squirrel problem because they have large oak trees around their building...as long as the oak trees are their, they can eradicate every squirrel that currently lives there, and new ones would take their place. So if you knew what kind of spiders they are, you could find out why they are drawn to that particular place, and perhaps change the environment to get rid of the species.
In case you have a spider mite problem,
Here's a link to info on mites:
AOS | Mites