Colmanara Wildcat Green Valley
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Old 12-20-2009, 07:52 PM
quique1000 quique1000 is offline
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Colmanara Wildcat Green Valley
Default Colmanara Wildcat Green Valley

I Just purchased a Colmanara Wildcat Green Valley in bloom and it was wonderful; the blooms lasted for 2-3 weeks.

It seems however that the plant is dying:
1. Its pseudobulbs are shriveled and covered with blackspots.
2. Its roots have rotted
3. One of the leaves turned yellow and fell off.

If roots have rotted, it seems too much water. However, that would mean smooth well developed psudobulbs.

I have it in the vicinity of a window, facing south (Washington DC climate), no direct light.

Can anybody shed some light?:

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Old 12-21-2009, 03:16 AM
RosieC RosieC is offline
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First let me say welcome to orchid board.

I can't help much as I've only just bought my first Colmanara and have not really grown any of this alliance either.

But what I can say is that too much water does NOT necessarilly mean smooth well developed psudobulbs. And the reason is exactly what you have also indicated... if the roots rot then the plant cannot take up enough water however much you water it, and so the p-bulds show signs of dehybdration because the plant is not getting enough.

This is the same with all orchids. Rotting roots can lead to dehydration of the plant, which can make you think it needs more water when actually overwating will make the rot worse.

Are you able to post any pics of your orchid. Sometimes that can help people with how best to rescue a plant.
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Old 12-21-2009, 07:52 AM
orchidsamore orchidsamore is offline
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Colmanara Wildcat Green Valley Male

It sounds like the orchid was in bad condition when you bought it. They should not die this fast. This is based on reading your post to mean you have not had this orchid a long time.

If it was in good health when you bought it then it took a terrible shock. Something like being left in the car too long the day you bought it.

The flowers on an Oncidium Intergeneric should last 10-12 weeks. Possibly the flowers had been open for a long time before you bought it. Or possibly it was dieing when you bought it.

Air conditioning and/or heat can kill flowers fast but usually would not cause the plant to die.

Shriveled pbulbs on Oncidium are common but usually the newest bulb is smooth. It is one of the conditions you should consider when deciding whether to buy a plant. I read your post as meaning the bulb shriveled after you bought it. That would mean bad roots when you bought it or in your care.

If you have had this plant 3-4 months or more than you did something to kill the roots. Over potting is the most common problem I see with hobbyist with Oncidium Intergenerics.

They often have very little roots and the roots grow slow. I have had plants that weighed 3-4 pounds with roots that did not fill a 4 inch pot.

I keep referring to Oncidium Intergenerics rather than Colmanara since the advice applies to all Oncidium Intergenerics not just your plant.
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Old 12-21-2009, 09:57 AM
tuvoc tuvoc is offline
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Colmanara Wildcat Green Valley Male

I agree with Rosie, some pics would help. I have the 'Wildcat' variety of this cross, and it is the best grower I have, and I usually have no luck with Oncidiums of any type. It gets no special treatment at all, the plant itself always looks pretty rough, shriveled bulbs, some yellowing leaves etc., but it is almost always in spike or bloom. In other words, these guys are tough.

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Old 12-21-2009, 07:48 PM
quique1000 quique1000 is offline
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Colmanara Wildcat Green Valley
Default Thank you Rosie and all

Rosie and all:

Thank you so much for your feedback. What you say makes a lot of sense!
I never inspected the pbulbs. when I purchased the plant (from Lowe's). I was enchanted by the flowers!

Ive had the plant for less than 3 months. I was careful not to overwater (once a wekk) so the root rot must have happened at the store. They water the plants everyday and when you buy them Bang!.. the overwatering takes effect.

Im new at this, but let me see if I can post some pictures.
Attached Thumbnails
Colmanara Wildcat Green Valley-picture-013-jpg   Colmanara Wildcat Green Valley-picture-014-jpg  

Last edited by quique1000; 12-21-2009 at 08:09 PM..
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Old 12-23-2009, 07:35 PM
quiltergal quiltergal is offline
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Actually I think it looks OK. Have you repotted it since purchasing? If not I would repot at once. That way you know for sure what you are dealing with. Is there any sign of a new growth emerging? That's usually a sign that the plant will be OK. Normally once that new growth matures it will begin to send out new roots from that pbulb. I have found that all of my Onc alliance plants do very well in semi hydro. They're thirsty buggers but still like lots of air to their roots.
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Old 12-24-2009, 07:00 PM
Leisurely Leisurely is offline
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Your plant would benefit greatly from a rest after having flowered. Oncidium hybrids like to become very dry between watering. I would give it sips of water until new growth is seen at the base of the old bulbs. Once it starts new growth it will also start new root growth and it is at that time that you can resume regular watering. If you decide to re-pot, with-hold all water until new life is visible.
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colmanara, light, roots, rotted, valley, green, wildcat

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