Hello. I recently received an Oncidum from a friend of my family that is in bad shape. I unpotted it and removed all media. The roots actually didn't look so bad but the plant itself has some brown areas around the PBs. I sprayed it down with Physan and let it sit for about a minute then rinsed it off. I then sprayed hydrogen peroxide on the areas that where brown. When I came back about a minute later there was what appeared to be smoke coming off the plant! Obviously some type of chemical reation but can someone enlighten me on what happened? Thank you.
Due to the MSDS (material safety data sheet) Physan is incompatibility with strong oxidizers! And hydrogen peroxide is a strong oxidant...
What exactly you saw as smoke is hard to say, I will not speculate. What you did was to destroy everything of the physan that remained on the plant and made the physan treatment more or less useless!