Is Caulavola an intergeneric and if so which genuses are the parents?
Unfortunately the page on the RHS website that I used to get this info from has been removed since they restructured the site. I also can't find the answer by googling.
So... is Caulavola an intergeneric and if so which genuses are the parents?
If it's not an intergeneric, then which genuses is it related to?
I'm trying to get my head arround the relationship of various genuses and I've not been able to place this one.
This is a home made name which has not been registered which is why you cannot find it on the RHS list.
Sorry Rishard, but this is not a 'home made' name. Caulavola is the correct name for hybrids between the genera Brassavola and Caularthron, as noted in earlier posts. Caularthron used to be Diacrium, and Caulavola replaced Brassodiacrium when Caularthron was accepted for registration.
I stand corrected. Thanks for clarifying......that is the good thing about orchids in general and fora like this in particular, one is learning continually.