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Old 03-13-2007, 10:21 PM
Faerygirl Faerygirl is offline
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Default Need expert advice on a mixed orchid bag...

I have a good friend who lives near Cleveland who always goes every year to a big orchid show that they have there. It was this last weekend. We always pre-order some things from Ecuagenera (for me its Anthuriums). She got a bunch of extra things this time and sent them to me, and I am going to need help.

The plants are:
Dendrobium cuthbersonii
Dracula lotax
Dracula vespertilio
Trichocerus onaensis
Masdevallia rolfeana x M. polysticta
Pleurothallis dodsonii
Vuylstekeara Melissa Brianna "Shady Lady" HCC/AOS

I looked all these up, and all seem to be cool to cold growing, which the Internet Orchid Encyclopedia defines as a nighttime average low of 50-60. I can do that. But what about the HIGH temp in the daytime?

My greenhouse is pretty warm in Spring, Summer and Fall. In winter its usually not below about 72 in the day. SOmetimes its a lot warmer than that.

I have a terrarium in the house, I have not ever measured the temperature in there (I guess I should) would that be an option for providing the type of humidity they need?

I am much more accustomed to growing the warm to hot growing orchids, I am a bit lost here, and these are so very nice, I don't want to kill them...

She also sent me a Paph storei x adductum var anitum "Black Magic" and a variegated Phalaenopsis Chih SHang's Stripes...I can grow those (LOL) its the other 7 I need major help with
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Old 03-13-2007, 11:19 PM
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Tindomul Tindomul is offline

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I know Masdies love terrariums. If you have AC indoors you can keep them there.
Now tell me more about these Anthuriums you got.
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We must not buy their fruits:
Who knows upon what soil they fed
Their hungry thirsty roots?"

Goblin Market
by Christina Georgina Rossetti
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Old 03-14-2007, 07:58 AM
Faerygirl Faerygirl is offline
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I don't think the terrarium will work after all for all of these. I put a thermometer in there over night and the temp never drops below 70F.
That's with the light OFF all night. (and yes we do have A/C)

Its going to be interesting to see how this would work. The Dracula lotax culture data says it needs SHADE which I cannot provide in the terrarium, also its a cool grower.

The Dracula vespertilio is a warm to cool grower, so temp might be okay, but still it too needs shade.

Dend cuthbersonii says BRIGHT LIGHT, which would be do-able in there but the stuff I read always has it potted. In the terrarium I would want it mounted or buried in the treefern litter.

I can't seem to find any culture data about Pleurothallis dodsonii.

Since the Masdevallia has a parent (rolfeana) that is a warm ro cold grower, (the other parent, polysticta, is a cool to cold grower) I figure it might have a chance in the terrarium

The greenhouse would be considered "cool growing" in winter, when its kept at a minimum of 55-60. But in warmer months when the heater is off its outside ambient air temp, which can be as high as 75-78 in summer.

Ahhh Tindo I forgot you are an aroid junkie.

Well, last year, I got Anthurium regale (the Holy Grail)

This time I got Anthurium reflexinervium (extremely EXTREMELY rare...has only just started popping up occasionally for sale on eBay for vastly overinflated prices...Anthurium cutucuensis, a very unusual species, and A. flaveolineatum.
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Old 03-14-2007, 09:06 AM
Alexis in Redland Alexis in Redland is offline
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I've bought a ton of stuff from Ecuagenera over the years - just love their stuff! You should be ok keeping these guys in your greenhouse if the night temps meet the requirement for the cool growers. Day time temps are less important than night temps. They can tolerate extremes as long as they are getting the shade and water that they need. Maybe try growing them a little shadier than their normal culture would indicate.

Good luck!
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Old 03-14-2007, 05:47 PM
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Sounds like you have the correct conditions stated for those Dracula, just need to find a way to grow them The terrarium will most likely smother them if it's bright and hot.

As for the Masdevallia hybrid, it probably should be grown in slightly shadier conditions (perhaps along with those Dracula).

Apoda-prorepentia dodsonii (basionym: Pleurothallis dodsonii) is a neat little species discovered by Dodson near the Río Blanco in Baños, Ecuador (Pastaza province) at 1,600m elevation in Oct. 8th, 1961. Luer described it as a new species in 1976in honor of Dodson... anyways, this should be grown shadier, damper and quite cooler. This one will have a vining and branching habit, so it may be difficult to grow with alternative growing methods (like the Dracula experiment of mine)...

That Vuylstekeara (multigeneric Oncidiinae hybrid) should be the easiest of the lot...

Good luck!
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