I am a member of SOOS. Its a great society - one of the larger ones in Canada so we get some great speakers. The November 1st meeting features Dr. Henry Oakeley - one of the biggest names in Orchids. You should come just for that. There is also a good selection of plants and supplies for sale.
Our meetings are usually the first Sunday of the month (with some exceptions check the
website) Sales start at noon. The meeting starts a 1:00. We have announcements, a raffle, experienced judges review plants that members have brought in for the "Show Table". Then we have the guest speaker. We are usually done by 3:00ish.
The first meeting is free. If we see you hanging around after that, we'll steer you towards the membership table ($25/year)
Our big public show is in February - not to be missed!
Hope to see you there,