Hi everyone. I'm not very experienced at caring for orchids...
I have been away for the weekend and when I came back I found this in the living room. My partner found this abandoned orchid in a waste bin at work! Sorry for the poor quality photo I had to take it on my phone.
Anyway, the orchid is sitting in a random square container, with various potting materials, mainly stones/wirey stuff. There are NO drainage holes. It has many aerial roots, some of them clearly rotting. No evidence of flower spikes.
I have a few questions?
- do you think it's a phalaenopsis?
- what do you recommend I do to save it?
I think I should get it into a new pot quickly. It's not even in a pot just a square office container. What should I do about these rotting roots?
Eek. I need an expert orchid grower to give some tips!