Registration of Hybrids....who is right in this conversation and what would you do?
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Registration of Hybrids....who is right in this conversation and what would you do?
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Old 07-23-2009, 04:13 PM
peeweelovesbooks peeweelovesbooks is offline
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Registration of Hybrids....who is right in this conversation and what would you do? Female
Talking Registration of Hybrids....who is right in this conversation and what would you do?


My brilliant fellow orchid growers. I recently had this exchange with a vendor. Please tell me who is right, and who is wrong, and what would you do in this situation. Would you buy the plant?

Here is the conversation I had, via e-mail, verbatim:


Dear ______,

Hi, do you have a picture of the actual division you are selling? Also, is this cross registered? What is the full parentage of the plant? thanks.


It's not a registered cross as registration is reserved for cultivars. The parents are _________ and __________. I only have a division photo if I've already got one. In this case, the division will be taken at the end of the auction if there is a winning bid. Thanks for asking.



I admit I'm a little bit confused by your response. What do you mean when you say that registrations are reserved for cultivars only? My understanding was that if you created a cross, one could register it with the RHS. Also, it was my impression that plants could not be shown unless they were registered.

It's a gorgeous plant, and it looks super healthy, and I'm highly tempted to press the button, so to speak, but I hesitate to purchase because I as a rule only purchase named plants that can be shown at some point.

I appreciate your prompt response.

Thank you and look forward to hearing from you.

So that was the exchange. It's a beautiful plant. Am I totally off base here? If so, I would really appreciate anyone telling me why I am wrong. What would you do?
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Old 07-23-2009, 04:33 PM
phragguy phragguy is offline
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Registration of Hybrids....who is right in this conversation and what would you do?

the person who made the cross gets first chance at registering the plant.
You can show any plant even if it is not registered.
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Old 07-23-2009, 05:01 PM
goodgollymissmolly goodgollymissmolly is offline
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You were correct to walk away from this plant. The answer you got is as ambiguous as you thought it was. The seller either wanted to be evasive or he has no clue what registration is.

As to registering the cross (if it is not registered already. Remember crosses are only registered one time. From there on the name applies to all crosses of the same parents without regard to pollen and capsule parent) only the owner of the seedlings when the cross first blooms can register the cross (the originator). Although someone else can do so with written permission from the originator, that's not too satisfying because if he won't register it why trust him to give you permission.

As to showing it, I'm not certain about entering it in a show for ribbon judging. However for awards judging (AOS judging at a show or judging center), you can have it judged and possibly awarded provisionally, BUT before the award will be granted the cross must be registered. So if you can't get the cross registered you can't complete the award process.

You did right. Good job.
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cross, division, plant, purchase, registered, conversation, hybrids, registration

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