We have had record-breaking hot and dry weather this year in Houston. I have noticed that my cattleya bulbs have been shrinking at an unusual rate, ever the most recent growth. I have grown for over twenty years and have never experienced this. I have checked my root systems and they are healthy, I water as needed, some plants dry out every day. I use clear pots so I can tell when they are dry, but they still continue to shrivel.
My question is will the bulbs regain their moisture when the weather improves? As I mentioned before I still have good root systems.
Sorry, I did not mention I grow in a greenhouse with good shade cloth cover, good air circulation and an evaporate cooling system.
Out door temps have been running in the low 100s, but some days are reaching 105 with a humidity range of 10-60%. Inside the greenhouse night temps are about 78 while daytime max may reach 95 -97 for one or two hours. Humidity stays between 55- 90%. My misting system comes on and drops that to about 90-92.
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Thats pretty warm weather. I would not worry about it as your bulbs will fatten up nicely when the weather becomes less hellish. If the roots are fine, its hot and your media dries out quickly, you might want King of Orchid Growing's advice and add more shade (if possible) and water more. Plenty of humidity and good air circulation will definitely help and it sounds like you have those covered.
ditto to the above - was going to say more shade, and more watering if they are drying out in a day. generally pbulbs whither for one of two reasons: root problems, or not enough watering.
I have a cattleya that was half dead and I did hydro-therapy on it for a while and it revived a little but not to its original plump state. They will plump back up but don't be surprised if a few of the bulbs still are ridge-like. Best of luck!