Since the pot was so crowded for my D. speciosum hybrid, I repotted to a bit larger pot. Two of the largest p-bulbs are showing nice roots, but the p-bulbs are now shriveled.
Are they going to get plumped once they used to the new "house"? It has been two weeks since I repotted and I started watering them.
Believe or not, this is one of the very few orchids with p-bulbs I have. Paphs, Phrags, Angcm, Vandas, and Neos don't have them.
The bulbs may come back to a certain extent but will show shrivell from now on. Give it a regular feeding with a root stimulate fertilizer and keep it moist but NOT wet. It wont or shouldn't do any major damage to the plant. The shock may induce it to put up more growth.