Hi Everyone
Hope all your chids are good!
Just hoping an Orchidwiz user could let me know the light requirements for a Prosthechea (Anacheilium now) cochleata in footcandles if possible. Thanks in advance everyone!
I have two of these and they are both in bloom almost constantly. They only get a bit of very bright light for an hour or so in the morning, the rest of the time it's bright very-filtered lighting.
Similar to Susanne B, mine also gets only a few hours (2 or 3) of very bright light in the morning but it is also doing well.
Out of fear of overwatering, I have ended up with pleated leaves on last years growths. This year i repotted it in a wooden basket so the roots could get more air circulation. I have been watering it substantially more, and the leaves are coming out much better, so far...