you can soak it in consan triple action 20 in a bucket and then dunk it in another bucket of 1tbsp amdro fire ant killer and 1 tbsp palmolive dish soap for dispersant...should take care of any bacteria fungus or critters seen or unseen. that same mix is what I use on the orchids for same. Its safe for just about anything but succulents.
it really should be hung and not laid around the bench tops. I do that for you all

. I dont leave it there.
It will die unless its hanging in some breeze staying moist. Some metals will also kill the plant if they contact it.You have to pick thru it on occasion pull off the dead matter but it does grow well if you keep it moist and lots of air.They feed off the air. Air plants.
good luck and make sure you dont go moss pickin in the parks. you can get a ticket for that in texas