you may try
Exotic Orchids of Maui. They are good price, size and quality. Plus a seeding freebie with the order. Usually, they have free shipping in Sept or Oct, but not last year.
Carmela Orchids. A good choice for Cattleya clones. Good price, size and quality. Check their monthly specials.
Kawamoto Orchids. Mostly cattleya clones too. Good size and quality but not many specials to save money.
Orchids By Hausermann. Catt and Phal. Fair price and size, good quality (pretty similar to Oak Hill). Check their specials.
New World Orchids for Neofinetia falcata. Don't be scare away when you see the price list. Call Dr. Glenn (Email will be problem from my experience) to arrange, he can give you the good deal. Or ebayer japaneseorchids, she has nice and odd Neo and Sedirea Janponica, but you have to outbid the rest of the world.
Trader Joe's has the reasonable price and sometimes check at Home Depot (I am not kidding), you may find something cheap and good. I found a 4 inches pot flowering Phal. Saragold for $10 last year.
Go to the orchid show on last day, few hours before the show ends. Most vendors throw out 10% to 50% discount. The bad thing is not many choices.
Ebay. You need to outbid the people to win but sometimes you pay more because of that.
Hope those can help.