Not too sure who was in charge of publicizing the "rare" and "incredible" site of an
Ang. sesquipedale in bloom, but I have my suspicions
Originally Posted by Tindomul1of9
Aren't these supposed to have a really really long spur to accomodate the Moth's super long proboscis Darwin predicted? I didn't see them in the pics.
I had taken only one picture of the overall plant, but I was bumped by the crowd, so it came out all blurry and unpresentable. It would have shown the 8 inch spurs. I have to pick up some things later this week at MSBG, so I may stop inside the display house again and attempt to get some better pics... they had a few
Heliconia and rare epiphytic
Begonia in bloom I wanted to see up close, so I'll get some pics of them too...
Also, the
Bombax are in full bloom at MSBG, so I'll have to get a better pic of the trees (part of one can be seen on the right side of the photo of the Banyan Courtyard, with large red flowers)... anyone else have any other plant interests that they would like to see?