Hi Howard,
I'm not sure what v grandiflora looks like but c. guttata is pictured in Fragrant Orchids, as is c. bicolor v grossii. Both are from Brasil, guttata blooms summer to fall, while bicolor is fall bloomer, both have light floral,spicy fragrance, during the day. The bicolor v alba I'm going to assume has white flowers with dark pink lip, flowers 3 inches wide, terminal inflorence 8-10inches with upto 10 flower on spike. Guttatta is commonly called spotted cattleya, has waxy green flowers spotted with purple. the top portion of the lip is white while the bottom is purple. 2-3 inch flowers, on spikes 18 inches bearing 5 to 6 flowers. The individual flowers are gorgeous so I think the cross will be very striking.
temps are intermediate, with medium to high light for both.
The other one rings a bell but I don't recall where I ran across the name.
Last edited by phearamedusa; 04-05-2009 at 01:57 AM..