My Phil had a keiki (2 leaves about 1 inch, on tiny is growing), but my mother plant suddenly died within 4 days! Leaves just went yellow and that was it. No idea why... I decided to save the keiki and cut the stem off and put it in a vase filled with water. No it has been there for 4 months, looking beautiful and alive and has grown 1 leaf in addition to the 2 previous ones, but still has no roots.
Any advice, what should I do?
I am not sure about this one. I've never done anything with a phal keiki before, but I would try KLN root hormone growth? Or KeikiPro to try and promote root growth. KLN is something I use whenever I repot an orchid to give the roots an extra shove.
I have the same problem. I had a mount with a few Tolumnia which put out quite a few keikis, but then they almost all died, leaving a few small keikis with no roots, or even growth. They've now been like this for what I think is nearly two years!! :P Perhaps I'll try some of these suggestions as well.
I'm not too sure about sphag n bag. The keiki is growing fine just the way it is, just no roots. You don't mention problems with dehydration, which is what bagging would avoid, while waiting for roots. I would be more tempted to leave the cut spike in water and apply some KeikiRoot to the base of the keiki. That might help speed up the rooting process.
A drop of fert in the water might not hurt either, so that the keiki gets some food. I don't know if it's getting much from just plain water.
__________________ Camille
Completely orchid obsessed and loving every minute of it....