I was wondering if there is a list for the life span of orchids. Why I ask is, I was told that Ionopsis have a short life span. And I know of someone who has had Dendro's and Catt's for more then 30 years. Just curious, Thanks
Not sure about the particular species you are noting, but many orchids can in theory live forever..(some call them "immortal")..one portion of the plant is dying while the other part is growing - so the exact same "portion of the plant" does not live forever. Often what eventually kills a plant is some disease organism.
Not all orchids live for ever, there are a number of genera that seem to have a life span that is much less than Humans such as Odontoglossum. From a similar question asked of a specialist Odont grower about a certain Odont flowered about 50 years ago he said that it died of old age at about 20 years and the last 5 years it was only just going. On the other hand, some Paphs & definitely Cymbids are growing in collections today that are divisions of plants collected in the wild from the late 1700's.