I recommend critter creek labs-
It is pretty cheap, and you can test as little or as many as you want, Id recommend the double-well tests, where they basically test it twice-
With all this virus talk I could not help myself and called

Critter Creek Labs, and spoke with the manager there, and told me the double well tests- basically run the test twice for accuracy is pretty spot on (96-99% accurate). Jane told me if you want your plant tested pick the newest leaf that has JUST completed growth or just bloomed because, if there is indeed a virus it will be there. New growths that have NOT completed growing might not yet have enough "virus" in them to be detected. I know there is some scientific terminology of which I am unfamiliar with!
If you indeed have a larger plant which some parts do and dont show symptoms, take pieces from different parts of the plant and send em in!
I might go ahead and try my luck this week
Camille--- Good luck with your cymbidium, I hope its not virused, but if it is....

at least you'll have that peace of mind. Let us know!