Orchids Are Pansys!! AaronM Rants Again!!
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Old 02-08-2009, 03:36 PM
quiltingwacko quiltingwacko is offline
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Orchids Are Pansys!! AaronM Rants Again!! Female

Aaron you are so funny! Carol
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Old 02-08-2009, 09:03 PM
phearamedusa phearamedusa is offline
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I really enjoyed your humor Aaron. You gave me plenty of laughs while reading this & your other rant. Good luck with quitting smoking.
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Old 02-08-2009, 09:29 PM
VickiC VickiC is offline
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Default AaronM

Aaron, you are hilarious! Don't stop.....you crack me up. I really enjoyed reading your post. A good laugh always hit the spot. Thanks.

Originally Posted by AaronM View Post
It is my fervent hope that some time in the not too distant future some group of genetic geniuses will stop researching useless things like better corn and grain varieties and pigs with human brains (besides they already exist, we're called men. Or are we people with pig brains? ) and start figuring out how to cross popular orchids with crabgrass. Maybe the new administration will take all that wasted brain power at NASA (come on, fifty years and billions of taxpayer dollars and all we really have to show for it are tang, Velcro, and satellites [O.K., I admit, that one's pretty good]) and put them on task of creating some orchids that aren't whiny little sissies.
What brought this on you ask? Well I'll tell you. I went out to my shade house to pull back the plastic frost covering and discovered that the interior was a balmy 106 (can anyone explain to me why there's no degree symbol on my keyboard? Thanks again Bill Gates!). So anyway a couple of my orchids aren't looking so well. Come on, 106, I barely glisten at that temperature (not that I glisten, I sweat, like a man should). Why was my shade house wrapped in plastic in the first place? Simple, because my orchids are too dainty to spend the night out in brisk 28 (still no degree symbol, dagnabbit) temps. Any of our Canadian members would be in bathing suit barbecuing by the pool in weather like that.
Don't over water, don't underwater, same goes for fertilizer and light and air flow (come on, who doesn't enjoy a 75 mph ride in the bed of a pickup? My big Onc., thats who).
If only they were more like crab grass. Full sun? No problem. Abyss-like shade? That's cool. Someone dumped a gallon of round-up on you? That's irritating, I guess I'll move eighteen inches to the left and start over.
Why do we do it? Simple, because when they flower we forget what a pain they are and because we're all a little crazy. Fortunately, orchids (unlike the Real Housewives of the O.C.*) are attractive enough to compensate for their often appalling personalities and to warrant the astonishingly high upkeep (plus when you send an orchid to the compost pile, it doesn't take half of your stuff with it**).
What's the point you ask? None really, I just quit smoking and am feeling a little bit surly.

Actually, I to create a thread so we can all share our orchid disasters and horror stories. Like watching Cops, I think it will help others who read it feel better about their own little problems.

Aaron "Needs Some Nicotine" M

*Disclaimer 1: I apologize to any fans of the "Real Housewives". I am very sorry you can't find any better use of your time.
** Disclaimer 2: If you are one of the "Real Housewives" I would like to apologize. I'm so sorry for you. I am also terribly, terribly sorry that surgeons can do that to someone and then charge them thousands of dollars (what happened to "do no harm"?).
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Old 02-12-2009, 12:57 AM
AaronM AaronM is offline
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Orchids Are Pansys!! AaronM Rants Again!! Male

Off topic (was there one?), but interesting. The stupid, no degree symbol keyboards most of us use were actually designed to make us type slowly. You will notice that nearly all the best letters (that's right, not all letters are equal in the eyes of the Lord) are located on the left side and not in the center where they should logically be (right next to the little degree symbol key).
The QWERTY keyboard was designed keep speedy secretaries of the olden days from jamming up their typewriters. Now they just add to repetitive stress injuries.
Thanks again for all the support.

Aaron "My Wrist Is Killin' Me" M
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Old 02-12-2009, 01:15 AM
quiltingwacko quiltingwacko is offline
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Orchids Are Pansys!! AaronM Rants Again!! Female

Aaron if you keep on with the not smoking, you can do stand up comedy. You are as funny as any I've seen. If you start up again, you may not be so hilariously hostile! Oh and Redhead, there is a nursery in Oregon that has lots of lovely Milts! I think it is called Hillview, in Mulinn or something like that. Google should help you find it. I can't remember where you live so that may be too far away. Now we are back on topic. Pansies!
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Old 02-12-2009, 12:54 PM
Leisurely Leisurely is offline
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Originally Posted by kiki-do View Post
I went to an orchid society meeting once and they were talking about smoking and touching orchids without washing your hands first. It's deadly for orchids. People who smoke and work in orchid greenhouses have been fired because they didn't wash good, and it's that bad for orchids. So now you have double the reason to hang in there and not smoke. (This is only what I've heard and I'm just passing it on).
I don't smoke so I am not defending smoking. I don't think that handling your plants could kill them after smoking a cigarette. The problem lies in the possibility of transferring tobacco mosaic virus to the orchid and in order to do this there would have to be some exposed tissue from a broken root a wound in a leaf etc.
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Old 02-21-2009, 02:36 AM
AaronM AaronM is offline
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Default It's A Miracle!!

Not to worry everyone. I never allow any of my orchids to smoke. Although, a couple of them might have been steaming when I removed that plastic cover and the shade house was 106 degrees.
I thought that everyone should know that I recently experienced an orchid miracle! That's right, I said MIRACLE! When I got into the shower the other day to water my vandas (and, since I happened to be nude, bathe) there were four of them in the shower. When I got out of the shower there were five vandas! It was amazing!
I was removing some old roots from one of the plants and the next thing I know it goes though some type of amoeba-like division into two plants! I could not believe it! It was like that bible story about the loaves and fishes only with orchids!
I have not yet tried out my mystical ability on any other orchids in my collection because I fear that selfish use of my powers may incur the Lord's wrath (remember what happened to that Moses fellow) but I am dying to see if I can repeat the act.
Maybe I should walk around the neighborhood and use my special gift to fill in holes in peoples' lawns or hedges. I hope this power doesn't corrupt me!

Aaron "The Orchid Magician" M
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Old 02-21-2009, 08:39 AM
Dorothy Dorothy is offline
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Old 02-21-2009, 12:57 PM
quiltingwacko quiltingwacko is offline
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Orchids Are Pansys!! AaronM Rants Again!! Female

See what getting healthy does for ya!?
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Old 02-25-2009, 10:41 AM
AaronM AaronM is offline
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Orchids Are Pansys!! AaronM Rants Again!! Male

You know what, it just occurred to me that pansies are pansies too. Around here they wilt and die in June, which is a pretty mild month by Florida standards.

Aaron "Not A Pansy" M
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