Hi, I've been trying to research the whole urea controversy. I know most people here on the OB say urea in fertilizer is bad, and while thats good enough for me I'd like to know why. I cant seem to find a simple explanation. So I guess I'm asking why do I need a urea free fertilizer?
Most plants are grown in some sort of a "potting" mix which is "soil-based". These mixes have naturally occuring bacteria that break down the urea nitrogen to a nitrogen form that can be taken up by the roots and used by the plant. Since most orchids are grown in a very course material, the bacterial population isn't there and the urea isn't broken down.
Any time....that's what we are all about. Keep in mind, there will be others who don't believe this to be the case. That there is enough nitrogen in the urea-based fertilizers to provide for the plant's growth.... I believe in what I've read.