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12-09-2008, 12:17 PM
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Take Your Best Shot
I have a Brassavola Jiminy Cricket that is growing lots of air roots outside the pot..... I know this isn't the best time of the year to make cuttings and repot but looking at these pics, what would you do if this plant was yours? To cut or not to cut the 3 pseudobulbs with all the new roots???????
12-09-2008, 12:19 PM
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That looks really cool. Too cool to mess with if it was mine.
12-09-2008, 12:31 PM
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Biker Doc, The plant looks healthy and I would leave it be until spring. Then I would probably divide and repot. No sense in repotting now and taking a chance on injuring it too much. Betty
12-09-2008, 12:41 PM
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Well how about this....could you put the pot and all into a larger pot with additional potting medium until it is a good time to repot?
12-09-2008, 12:55 PM
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tempting as it is, i would leave it till did a good job growing it!
12-09-2008, 01:10 PM
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I would definetely not cut it. I love to have big plans which in most cases means more flowers. The bigger the better for me.
12-09-2008, 01:11 PM
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Guess I'll offer a counter opinion. I have repotted orchids at just about any time of year (just repotted two encyclias and a Paph.) Haven't lost one to repotting yet. What concerns me about this plant is all the green root tips. They won't be that way in the spring. If they are, they'll be way longer and hard to fit into a pot. Do you have a wider pot? You could leave the whole plant together and repot the whole mass into the same pot. That's what I'd try. Divisions are normally done just ahead of the next growing season, but this seems to be in the growing season right now. I wouldn't wait. Just my 2 cents.
Oops just saw Rolando's response. Min is same as his, bigger the better.
12-09-2008, 01:12 PM
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I'd just repot in a bigger pot. I try to resist dividing plants as long as I can, but that's just because I try to offset my innate compulsion to divide and/or propagate everything I see.
12-09-2008, 01:28 PM
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Thanks everyone....Ross as you may have guessed, things are pretty tight in the old GH and whether I make 2 or repot into larger....but I probably would go larger...and yes the thing about the roots not being as they are now comes spring was the big issue for me....then if I divide, maybe someone else would like a piece of the pie!!!!! I'm becoming benevolent in my old age
12-09-2008, 01:49 PM
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Originally Posted by BikerDoc5968
Thanks everyone....Ross as you may have guessed, things are pretty tight in the old GH and whether I make 2 or repot into larger....but I probably would go larger...and yes the thing about the roots not being as they are now comes spring was the big issue for me....then if I divide, maybe someone else would like a piece of the pie!!!!! I'm becoming benevolent in my old age
It just seems to me a couple more inches would still not squeeze things too much? You can still divide next spring/summer if you care to. Just a thought.
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