Originally Posted by Aceetobe
There is a component of heat involved.
I have several zygos, and I've had them out in full full sun all day for a couple years. They are fine, grow well, bloom a lot. Once the temperature jumps they get burned though.
As long as the leaf temp doesn't get too hot, most plants can take a lot of light - as long as you slowly adapt them. You really have to watch the watering and humidity in the high light situation because they dry out super quick. Another thing to pay attention to is the root temperature. Clear pots plus direct sun is lethal.
I completely agree with this - and I learned all these lethal things the hard way
This summer I moved to an apartment with south-facing windows, and they are all doing ok...I haven't lost any, but some are having a hard time. They do better when the humidity is higher, they can dry out quickly, and when they have a fan on them to keep the leaves from burning.